
公司簡介 美國MARKA集團是全球知名的健康產業機構,專業從事保健食品的開發與研發。所屬研發中心由多名著名專家組隊,投巨資對疾病預防、延緩衰老、營養保健等醫學頂尖課題進行研究,並有顯著的成果。其旗下的麥爾康生物公司是集團的核心產業之一,主要以營養食品的研發,銷售為經營模式。使您邁向健康是企業的理念,天然營養與健康是公司產品的宗旨。以高端的技術,精選的原料,嚴謹的生產線為依托打造出優質的產品。自2008年首次打入中國保健品市場。將會逐漸走進千家萬戶,成為民眾心中的健康品牌。 苛刻的原料來源 麥爾康係列產品的每份優良配方都帶給人們幸福與希望。為了保證產品品質。公司固守一套近乎苛刻的原料來源審核製度,充分考慮到原料種植和飼養的天然環境,土壤和氣候等因素。從全世界範圍內精選最合適的各種原料。 嚴謹的生產過程控製 為保證麥爾康係列產品保持統一質量標準。從配方,原料,成品到包裝均經過及其嚴格的管理與檢驗,全部產品由研發單位生產。進口原料,產品全部達到藥品,食品GMP要求。 伴隨著我國市場經濟地位的確立,改革開放的進一步深入,人民生活水平的提高,健康成為人們永恒的主題。知名健康企業美國MARKA與沈陽麥爾康公司強強聯手,欲打造中國健康產業的第一品牌。 在經濟日益騰飛,人們生活水平不斷的提高,生活的質量成為人們追求的目標,健康成為人們永恒的主題,請百忙之中不要忘記您最重要的投資——健康,快樂! MARKA Group in United States is the world-renowned health industry organizations, which is professional engaged in the research and development of health food products.The R&D center consists of several well-known experts and they invested on researches of different leading medical topics,such as preventing disease, aging, nutrition in health care.What is more, we have got many notable results at present. Strict sources of raw materials The excellent formulas in each series of the products bring the consumers happiness and hopes. In order to ensure the quality of the product, the company always stick to the sources of raw materials , and give full consideration to the cultivation and feeding of the raw materials,natural environment, soil conditions and climate and so on. Strict control to the process of the productions In order to maitain the best quality standards of the products,our company always keeps the strict management and testing on the formula, raw materials and finished products to the packaging ,and all products are produced by the R & D Department.ThE imported raw materials and the products both meet Pharmaceuticals and Food GMP requirements. As the China's market economy status established and the further deepening of the Reform and Opening Policy,the quality of life is improved, health is becoming an eternal theme of our life. MARKA Health Enterprises inthe United States and Shenyang MARKA Company combined the strengt to create the best brand in China. As the economic increases and the quality of life improves constantly,the quality of life becomes the goal of our life, and healthy people as an eternal theme. When you are in the busy schedule, Please do not forget to pay attention to your most important investment – health and happiness.

聯 係 人: 999會銷保健品網
手機號碼: 15311571878
固定電話: 010-57741171
所在省份: 遼寧
詳細地址: 沈陽市鐵西區愛工北街36號








